Light and Shade

What’s something most people don’t understand? That each person’s set of filters does not apply to all. Prejudice is a word that I have heard a lot but never really understood. Meanings and language may have interchanged it with other words or synonyms. In simpler terms, and it may not even be new or exclusive…

3 Days of Grateful… And more…

I asked my daughter yesterday what we’re very grateful for over the weekend and she enumerated these: 1. People 2. Experience 3. Opportunities 4. Good food I can perfectly understand why she said what she said. While I’d always put God first on the list, We were blessed with these 4 things especially over this…


What advice would you give to your teenage self? I’ll tell her to be patient. I’d ask her to wait, and pay attention to life unfolding while at it. Learn to recognize opportunities. Dream and believe in yourself.

Energies and Auras

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” I would like to know more about vibrations and energies we emit. I feel like there’s a need for me to realign or balance out these things lately.


What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time? Rest is an underrated luxury in our current world where we can’t seem to be bothered to be bored.


If you could un-invent something, what would it be? We wouldn’t have to go through the process of undoing its negative environmental effects, as well as not get used to its convenience.

Create. Play. Share.

List five things you do for fun. 1. Sing or write music. 2. Nature walk. 3. Long drives. 4. Discovering new places. 5. Food. Eating and cooking equally.


If you could make your pet understand one thing, what would it be? Because they’re cats, it would be nice for them to understand and reciprocate my love language, which is touch. 😂


What’s your dream job? What do you call someone who’s paid to throw in ideas, as in constant brain storming that is not limited to a specific industry and more creative than technical? If there is such a thing, I think that’s the perfect job for me.

Thoughts and Feelings.

Where can you reduce clutter in your life? While it’s true that decluttering the physical environment would be the first step, since I also find it very therapeutic, I would like to emphasize the importance of “letting go.” I find that regularly “letting go” of negative thoughts and emotions make way for better things to…

Northern Walk.

Think back on your most memorable road trip. I’ve posted them here. 🙂 My longest solo travel. 1,573km (977mi) in 2 weeks – commuting and walking. Stop 1 to Stop 14 of my Blog Posts were about this 2017 trip. The purpose was just to clear my head. 😊


In what ways do you communicate online? Much as I want to be as true to myself as possible online, I often find myself carefully choosing my words. We live in a world where we are judged not to be understood. By default, I feel, we go through other people’s lenses and filters based on…


What is the greatest gift someone could give you? We always hear about how time waits for no one. Everything is tied to time. Undivided attention. Waking morning. Night walks. Birth. Age. Death.

Lights. Scents. Taste. Air. Sounds.

What makes you feel nostalgic? 5 Senses Warm white lights illuminating scenes during dark cold nights. Familiar scents that are warm and sweet. Night breeze on my skin that makes me want to wish I was cuddled with someone I like. Warmth. Taste and scent of coffee, hot chocolate and toffee or peppermint. The sound…

Quality vs. Quantity

What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life? Our dad took his last and longest sleep 40 minutes past Christmas day. Family conversations and 1-1s with him for the past year and a half after finding out about his S-4 CA were mostly about life and death. They weren’t all…

Decisions and Parallels

What could you do differently? Everything. This question made the idea of parallel universes pop in my mind. 😊 Like every choice I ever made would have created a different story plot. And it’s curious what the outcome would have been like. While the goal is to live without regrets… It makes me wonder… A…


I am, once again, keeping afloat. Neither on a the rise, nor on the fall. Just on survival-mode. Our dad is resting now, and I am still in that limbo, clueless as ever, but with 3 things in mind. 1. Life goes on. And I will move on in pursuit of happiness, because that is…

Waiting. Staying.

Touch and go. We play deciding whether to leave or stay. I understand, you need to leave. That it was too much already to stay another minute. I am sorry for that selfish decision. Thank you for giving your everything to wait awhile.


They say that there’s an exact number of beats a heart has in a lifetime. If that is so, I felt yours still. I once held the hands of my beloved on his deathbed. Watched as the pulses fall as they tried and tried. After a few hours, I held those hands again and they…

Holiday Season

They come in 3s, they say. But It seems it has been more than that. I rise up in mornings like this. But it seems I fail to recognize that even just rising is a blessing. These earthly woes overcome me. But I have to remember that I can choose to be grateful.